Housing and construction after 2030
It is the year 2030. Global change has worn Dresden in the 1st League of sustainability. The conditions are now called climate change, resource scarcity, migration. The urban society responded by redefining building and living in general. But: What materials we will use and based on which designs we will build 2030? How we will provide our homes with energy and how is our our mobility changing? How smart is our home and how clever are our architects? Could we keep housing affordable and what (common) living forms have evolved? Do we have bike depots in the backyard and community gardens on the roof? Is living, working and shopping growing together? Or do we all live in the suburbs? The JohannStadthalle and numerous partners invited "future builder" to a "future spinning". In small groups we visionized together living and building in Dresden in the future. First ten themes were found, which should be discussed that evening. All 70 participants worked concentrated but also informal and with great imagination. Therefore we created 10 separate partitioned areas in our hall and the permanent exhibition. Each group had available a flip chart and the corresponding workshop materials to articulate their thoughts and finally to bring them to the already pre-made large-format templates on paper. At the end three of the selected groups gave a short summary about what they discussed. The results of the seven remaining groups could be studied at the hall wall in the improvised exhibition. During the entire event the results were recorded parallely with the method "graphic recording" on two large-size panels. The digitized results were then passed on directly to the mayor's office. We thank you for the extensive positive feedback that we received from the participants. HERE SOME IMPRESSIONS FROM THE WORKSHOP:
We discussed about themes the participants implemented, for instance about:
- Citizens set up places - The city as a garden - Mixing of social life - Living room in Dresden inhabitants property - Networking town and country - What remains? - Flexible and cost-effective construction - Traffic in the city - Sustainable neighbourhood - Gain energy in town
Announced for the discussion had, among others:
Landeshauptstadt Dresden (Bürgermeisteramt), Stadtplanungsamt, Wohnungsgenossenschaft Johannstadt eG, Architektenkammer, Fakultät Architektur der TU Dresden, Lokale Agenda 21 für Dresden e.V. - Netzwerk Neues Wohnen, Silicon Saxony e.V., Wir gestalten Dresden - Branchenverband der Dresdner Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft
Workshop „Housing and construction after 2030“
PARTNERS & SPONSORES: Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden (Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen, Institut für Massivbau; Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften, Geodätisches Institut), C³ - Carbon Concrete Composite e.V., Wir gestalten Dresden e.V., Silicon Saxony e.V.
VENUE AND DATE: JohannStadthalle e.V., permanent exhibition "WohnKultur", Holbeinstraße 68, 01307 Dresden, 10.15.2015, 19:00 FORMAT & OBJECTIVE: The permanent exhibition "WohnKultur" - Construction and Housing after 1945", existing for more than three years, hosted a multidisciplinary workshop. Research institutions, businesses, citizens and politicians were working together about how building and living in the future city of Dresden after 2030 will look like. Particular attention was placed on the aspect of sustainability. They worked according to the Open Space method. Here the participants itselfs at the beginning of the event introduced topics then worked in small groups and the results are summarized at the end. PARTICIPANTS: All interested persons, whether entrepreneurs, scientists or citizens were invited to participate. As a participant they should bring a certain degree of creativity and have fun working in groups, and joint development of ideas. RESULTS: The most interesting topics of the workshop are expected to be discussed in bimonthly smaller workshops in the rooms of the permanent exhibition "WohnKultur"" with expert guests. CATERING: was provided.